Sunday, June 26, 2005


I'm all in a tizzy. (A quiet, internal tizzy, but then that's me.) Tomorrow is my first day of clinical. Twelve hours on the oncology ward at Other Famous Hospital, 7A to 7P. I'm incredibly nervous, and I'm not even sure about what. From what I've heard, you don't really do much besides watch your first day. Watching. I can watch. I'm all over watching.

Maybe I'm worried my preceptor won't like me. She sounded slightly dubious over the phone, having been forwarded my resume. Are you really interested in oncology? she wanted to know.

Maybe I'm worried I'll say or do something really, really stupid.

I don't even know whether to wear my scrubs and nurse shoes to the hospital or to change once I get there. I mean, I am taking public transportation (on-site parking is something ghastly like $40/day) and I am working with (I mean, observing someone else working with) immunocompromised patients. On the other hand, it sounds kind of like a geeky thing to do, to bring scrubs and change. On the other other hand, that would mean I wouldn't have to be out in public wearing scrubs. (And I care why?)

Will I get horribly hungry? Will I feel really dumb as my preceptor keeps working but sends me off for a lunch break?

What will 12 hours feel like? How exhausted will I be?

Oh dear oh dear oh dearie me.

I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I had a fortune cookie a couple days ago that told me that I could achieve great success with humility and diligence. I will be humble and diligent. Plus gracious. And cheerful. And then humble and diligent some more. Okay. Okay. Wish me luck.


Blogger elswhere said...

Ohhh, good luck, sweetie! It sounds so exciting.

10:26 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Good luck!

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about it -- I'm sure you'll be superb (and your precepter will say "Wow. Are you sure this is your first day? You're a natural!")

Love you lots,
aka Marina

11:38 AM  

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